
I have jQuery go though all the submit buttons with the class button, and turn them each into an anchor element with the class button.

$("input.button").each(function(i) {

    var anchorButton = $("<a class='"+this.className+"' href='#'>"+this.value+"</a>") {


        return false;





        .removeClass("button pill-left pill-center pill-right");


I can then style the anchor element with CSS, cross-browser-ly. There's only one problem. Whenever I press the Enter key on form input elements, the form doesn't submit. However, if I un-hide the submit button, it works again. In conclusion, I can't get the Enter/Return key to submit the form unless I have a submit button visible (display != none).

How can I get the form to submit when I press Enter when I have the submit button hidden?

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$("input.button").keydown(function(event) {
   if(event.keyCode == 13)
      $("...find the form...").submit();

This should work.

If it doesn't try this:

   $("..find the input button you hide..").css('position', 'absolute')
         .css('top', '-1000px');

This is better than the proposed visibility: hidden solutions since if you set the visibility to hidden the button will still "take up space".


Just use an ordinary form in your HTML, including a submit action attribute. Then you'll get the browser's default behaviour and pressing Enter within the form will submit it. Then you don't have to use jQuery to bind event handlers to all your submit buttons.

You can test it with this JSBin.

Have you tried changing the visibility to hidden instead of display to none?

Try visibility=hidden

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