
How can we round off a number to the nearest 10 in php?

Say I have 23, what code would I use to round it off to 30?

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floor() will go down.

ceil() will go up.

round() will go to nearest by default.

Divide by 10, do the ceil, then multiply by 10 to reduce the significant digits.

$number = ceil($input / 10) * 10;

Edit: I've been doing it this way for so long.. but TallGreenTree's answer is cleaner.


round($number, -1);

This will round $number to the nearest 10. You can also pass a third variable if necessary to change the rounding mode.

More info here:

I was actually searching for a function that could round to the nearest variable, and this page kept coming up in my searches. So when I finally ended up writing the function myself, I thought I would post it here for others to find.

The function will round to the nearest variable:

function roundToTheNearestAnything($value, $roundTo)
    $mod = $value%$roundTo;
    return $value+($mod<($roundTo/2)?-$mod:$roundTo-$mod);

This code:

echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 10).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 5).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 15).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 167).'<br>';

Will output:


There are many anwers in this question, probably all will give you the answer you are looking for. But as @TallGreenTree mentions, there is a function for this.

But the problem of the answer of @TallGreenTree is that it doesn't round up, it rounds to the nearest 10. To solve this, add +5 to your number in order to round up. If you want to round down, do -5.

So in code:

round($num + 5, -1);

You can't use the round mode for rounding up, because that only rounds up fractions and not whole numbers.

If you want to round up to the nearest 100, you shoud use +50.

div by 10 then use ceil then mult by 10


round(23, -1);

We can "cheat" via round with

$rounded = round($roundee / 10) * 10;

We can also avoid going through floating point division with

function roundToTen($roundee)
  $r = $roundee % 10;
  return ($r <= 5) : $roundee - $r : $roundee + (10 - $r);

Edit: I didn't know (and it's not well documented on the site) that round now supports "negative" precision, so you can more easily use

$round = round($roundee, -1);

Edit again: If you always want to round up, you can try

function roundUpToTen($roundee)
  $r = $roundee % 10;
  if ($r == 0)
    return $roundee;
  return $roundee + 10 - $r;    
$value = 23;
$rounded_value = $value - ($value % 10 - 10);
//$rounded_value is now 30

Try this:

ceil($roundee / 10) * 10;

Just round down to the nearest 10, and then add 10.

round($num, -1) + 10

My first impulse was to google for "php math" and I discovered that there's a core math library function called "round()" that likely is what you want.

For people who want to do it with raw SQL, without using php, java, python etc. SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; UPDATE db.table SET value=ceil(value/10)*10 where value not like '%0';

I wanted to round up to the next number in the largest digits place (is there a name for that?), so I made the following function (in php):

//Get the max value to use in a graph scale axis, 
//given the max value in the graph
function getMaxScale($maxVal) {
    $maxInt = ceil($maxVal);
    $numDigits = strlen((string)$maxInt)-1; //this makes 2150->3000 instead of 10000
    $dividend = pow(10,$numDigits);
    $maxScale= ceil($maxInt/ $dividend) * $dividend;
    return $maxScale;
Hey i modify Kenny answer and custom it not always round function now it can be ceil and floor function

function roundToTheNearestAnything($value, $roundTo,$type='round')
        $mod = $value%$roundTo;
            return $value+($mod<($roundTo/2)?-$mod:$roundTo-$mod);
            return $value+($mod<($roundTo/2)?-$mod:-$mod);
            return $value+($mod<($roundTo/2)?$roundTo-$mod:$roundTo-$mod);


echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1872,25,'floor'); // 1850<br>
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1872,25,'ceil'); // 1875<br>
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1872,25,'round'); // 1875

This can be easily accomplished using PHP 'fmod' function. The code below is specific to 10 but you can change it to any number.

return $r;


Try this......pass in the number to be rounded off and it will round off to the nearest tenth.hope it helps....

round($num, 1);

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