
How do I run a single test with UnitTest++ ?

I am running UnitTest++ out of the box as is. My main function looks like:

int main()
   printf("diamond test v0.1 %s\n\n",TIMESTAMP);
   printf("press any key to continue...");

For debugging I would like to write something like UnitTest::RunSingleTests("MyNewUnitTest"); instead of UnitTest::RunAllTests();. Does UnitTest++ provide such a function and if so, what is the syntax?

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try this as your main() for unittest (I actually put this in a file and added that to the unittest library, so that when linking to the library the executable automatically uses this main(). very convenient.)

int main( int argc, char** argv )
  if( argc > 1 )
      //if first arg is "suite", we search for suite names instead of test names
    const bool bSuite = strcmp( "suite", argv[ 1 ] ) == 0;

      //walk list of all tests, add those with a name that
      //matches one of the arguments  to a new TestList
    const TestList& allTests( Test::GetTestList() );
    TestList selectedTests;
    Test* p = allTests.GetHead();
    while( p )
      for( int i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i )
        if( strcmp( bSuite ? p->m_details.suiteName
                           : p->m_details.testName, argv[ i ] ) == 0 )
          selectedTests.Add( p );
      p = p->next;

      //run selected test(s) only
    TestReporterStdout reporter;
    TestRunner runner( reporter );
    return runner.RunTestsIf( selectedTests, 0, True(), 0 );
    return RunAllTests();

invoke with arguments to run a single test:

> myexe MyTestName

or single suite

> myexe suite MySuite


This is almost correct. "Test" actually is purposed as a node in a linked list, so when you add it to a new list, you have to correct the pointer to avoid including more tests than you intended.

So you need to replace

  p = p->next;


  Test* q = p;
  p = p->next;
  q->next = NULL;


RunTestsIf can only run one suite if you tell it the name.

class MyTrue
        MyTrue(const std::string & suiteName, const std::string & testName)
                : suite(suiteName), test(testName) {}

        bool operator()(const UnitTest::Test* const testCase) const
            return>m_details.suiteName) == 0 && 
               >m_details.testName) == 0;
        std::string suite;
        std::string test;

int main (...) {
    bool isSuite = false;
    std::string suiteName = "suite01";
    std::string testName  = "test01";

    UnitTest::TestReporterStdout reporter;
    UnitTest::TestRunner runner(reporter);
    if (isSuite) {
            NULL, MyTrue(suiteName, testName), 0);
    } else {
            NULL, UnitTest::True(), 0);

You could do this by using the predicate parameter of RunTestsIf:

TestReporterStdout reporter;
TestRunner runner(reporter);
return runner.RunTestsIf(Test::GetTestList(), "MySuite",
    [](Test* t) { 
        return strcmp(t->m_details.testName, "MyTest") == 0; 
    }, 0);

If you do not have suites, or you want to search all of them, you can replace "MySuite" with NULL.

The answer given by @stijn has a bug in the test list manipulation, and therefore it usually runs additional tests that you did not request.

This example uses a predicate functor and also exploits the built-in suite name matching provided by RunTestsIf. It is correct and much simpler.

#include "UnitTest++.h"
#include "TestReporterStdout.h"
#include <string.h>
using namespace UnitTest;

/// Predicate that is true for tests with matching name,
/// or all tests if no names were given.
class Predicate

Predicate(const char **tests, int nTests)
    : _tests(tests),

bool operator()(Test *test) const
    bool match = (_nTests == 0);
    for (int i = 0; !match && i < _nTests; ++i) {
        if (!strcmp(test->m_details.testName, _tests[i])) {
            match = true;
    return match;

    const char **_tests;
    int _nTests;

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    const char *suiteName = 0;
    int arg = 1;

    // Optional "suite" arg must be followed by a suite name.
    if (argc >=3 && strcmp("suite", argv[arg]) == 0) {
        suiteName = argv[++arg];

    // Construct predicate that matches any tests given on command line.
    Predicate pred(argv + arg, argc - arg);

    // Run tests that match any given suite and tests.
    TestReporterStdout reporter;
    TestRunner runner(reporter);
    return runner.RunTestsIf(Test::GetTestList(), suiteName, pred, 0);

The solution in the accepted answer is not working for me. When the first test of the suite is loaded into p it just won't jump to the next test (don't know exactly why).

I'm using Xcode and UnitTest++ v1.4

#include "UnitTest++.h"
#include "TestReporterStdout.h"

#define SUITE_NAME "ActionFeedback"

using namespace UnitTest;

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    TestReporterStdout reporter;
    TestRunner runner( reporter );
    return runner.RunTestsIf( Test::GetTestList() ,  SUITE_NAME , True(), 0 );
    return RunAllTests();

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