
I have a TextColumn in xamGrid which has summary enabled. What i want to do is display the sum in red if it is negative. This is how the column is defined:

<igGrid:TextColumn Key="Col1" HeaderText="Col1" 
 ValueConverter="{StaticResource NumberFormatter}"  ValueConverterParameter="#,##0" >
       <igGrid:LessThanConditionalFormatRule Value="0.00" StyleToApply="{StaticResource RedBrush}"/>
           <igGrid:SumSummaryOperand IsApplied="True" FormatString="{}{0:N}"/>
           <igGrid:MaximumSummaryOperand FormatString="{}{0:N}"/>
           <igGrid:MinimumSummaryOperand FormatString="{}{0:N}"/>

How do i specify that the conditional formatting should be used not only for the column cells but also the summary cell?

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You can copy the default Style for the SummaryRowCellControl and use a Converter to change the foreground based on the value of the summary.

In the Infragsaitics forums a similar question is discussed. You can see the sample attached there

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