
SOLVED: See my solution below!

using aspx with C# code behind.

I have the following code in a button in a item template in a gridview:

Enabled='<%# IIF(Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y","TRUE","FALSE") %>'

I am getting the following error:

The name 'IIF' does not exist in the current context

What am I doing wrong? I get the same error if I use "IF" rather than "IIF"

The full item template code is as follows:

                <asp:Button  ID="wrqst_need_ind_btn" runat="server" Text = "Create WR" 
                    Enabled='<%# IIF(Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y","TRUE","FALSE") %>'
                    CommandArgument='<%# Eval("dvc_nm") + "|" + Eval("data_orgtn_yr") %>'/>

If I take the line out it works fine.

Seems to me like this should work...

EDIT: I am now using this:

Enabled='<%#Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" %>'

And geting this error:

The server tag is not well formed.

Thanks so much for your help!


I tried this:

Enabled='<%# Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" ? Convert.ToBoolean(1) : Convert.ToBoolean(0) %>' and it ran!

But, every button was disabled. So I tried:

Enabled='<%# Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" ? Convert.ToBoolean(1) : Convert.ToBoolean(1) %>'

and then every button was disabled. It seems that every time it is returning false... why?

SOLVED: See my solution below!

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In C#, that ternary syntax is:

Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"

If you happen to be using VB.NET (it looks like you are not), use the If function.

If(Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y", "TRUE", "FALSE")

EDIT: It turns out that == here will not compare the string contents, but the string objects. So, instead, you must use .Equals("Y"). So, community-generated final answer is:

Enabled='<%# Eval("wrqst_need_ind").Equals("Y") %>'


This is the code that worked!

Enabled='<%# Eval("wrqst_need_ind").ToString().Equals("Y".ToString()) ? Convert.ToBoolean(1) : Convert.ToBoolean(0) %>'

I'm not sure about all the "Convert.ToBoolean(1)" stuff you've got going on. If you want true and false just write true and false (without quotes or it will be treated as a string).

eg. Enabled='<%#Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" ? true:false %>'

Of course as I type that it occurs to me that you don't need to use this kind of operator. the condition returns true or false anyway so the above simplifies to:

Enabled='<%#Eval("wrqst_need_ind") == "Y" %>'

I'm pretty sure the correct keywork is "if" in lowercase.

In case it will help anyone else...

This style did not work for me:


but this style did work:

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