
I would like to be able to upload a vcard and have it parsed into my application's Model.

I am thinking that Paperclip would be a way to upload, but I have no idea how to do the parse.

I did a search on google, the only library that seems related is vpim, with mixed commentary.

Wanted to see what brilliant ideas might be out there to solve this...thanks.

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Solution 2

solved it using vpim


vpim is a helpful gem for making and importing vCards here is how to use this...

gem 'vpim', '~> 13.11.11' #include this in your gemfile

in your controller decode vcard

@vcard = Vpim::Vcard.decode(params[:import_file].read)

@contact.title = @vcard.title =
@contact.first_name =
@contact.last_name = = @vcard.telephones[0]
@contact.fax = @vcard.telephones[1]
@contact.address.street1 = @vcard.address.street = @vcard.address.locality
@contact.address.state = @vcard.address.region = @vcard.address.postalcode
@contact.company_name =

Another gem u could use is vcardigan

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