
The Time.iso8601 method is a restricted subset of ISO-8601.

  • What are its limitations?
  • Does anyone know of a full implementation for Ruby? I'm using MRI 1.8.7.


It looks like there isn't a single class that handles all of the various 8601 date and date/time combinations. However, I have managed to work around the problems by using both the Date.parse and Time.iso8601 methods. The downside is that you need to decide in code whether the input looks like a date or a date/time.

Warning : Timezone differences

Time.iso8601 and Time.parse behave differently.

>> Time.parse("2010-09-06T12:27:00.10-05:00")
=> Mon Sep 06 18:27:00 +0100 2010

>> Time.iso8601("2010-09-06T12:27:00.10-05:00")
=> Mon Sep 06 17:27:00 UTC 2010

Differences between Time.iso8601 and ISO-8601

This document touches on the differences between what is in ISO-8601 and what is supported by Ruby. The short answer is that the number of possible formats is restricted.

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Yes, but unfortunately it's in Ruby 1.9.

require "date"

#=> "2010-08-13" 

I don't believe there are any implementations for Ruby 1.8.7 (or at least I couldn't find any). You could either try to upgrade to Ruby 1.9, which is pretty stable as of 1.9.2. Alternatively, you could try to parse the dates yourself.


To convert an ISO8601 date into the local time zone, do this:

dt1 = Time.parse("2010-09-06T12:27:00.10-05:00")

To convert an ISO8601 date into UTC, do this:

dt2 = Time.iso8601("2010-09-06T12:27:00.10-05:00")

If you compare the dates returned by the above queries, they will be identical (i.e. dt1 === dt2). However, accessing date components (like year, month, day, hour, etc.) will return values appropriate for the time zone (either UTC or local). The same applies to strftime.

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