
I am using Watin 2.0 to develop some automated UI tests. I cannot get Watin to close the browser after it has opened it. The Watin.Core.Browser object implements IDisposible but Dispose() does not do the trick. I have also tried using the Close() method.

Most recently I have tried wrapping the IE object instantiation in a Using statement but no luck.

I am testing with IE8

using (IE ie = new IE())
    Link furthurReadingLink = ie.Link(Find.ByText("Further Reading"));

    string subTitle = ie.Div("frheader").Element(Find.ByClass("panelsubtitle")).Text;

    Assert.AreEqual("Further Reading", subTitle);
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It seems that if the test throws some exception the dispose is never called.


You also want to be sure that you don't have any IE developer consoles (F12) open - it will cause WatiN 2.1 to hang when .Close() is called.


Late to the party but have you tried ForceClose():

if (ie.NativeBrowser != null)

Or to ensure no other instances of IE are open find all open instances and ForceClose() them:

while (IE.InternetExplorersNoWait().Count > 0)
    var ie = IE.InternetExplorersNoWait()[0];

You can also force the Dispose() method:

if (ie.NativeBrowser != null)

ie.close() worked for me in ie 8

Also, You might want to check your browser AutoClose property ie.AutoClose

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