
Is there a way in HTML4 and/or CSS to do the following, but then correctly:

    ↑ ← ←  ←

How can I move my expression to the left, under the ¯ symbols, such that they overlap eachother? Note: it should work on every font-size.


(My current code, thank you Matthew Jones(+1) for the text-decoration: overline, lacks the scaling of sizes and correctly positioning the overline. That's why I edited this question, as ¯ does match in size & position in the Georgia font.)

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Solution 4

The following works exactly as I wanted it:

<div class="math">
    &radic;<span>&macr;&macr;&macr;&macr;</span><span style="margin-left: -2.39em; vertical-align: 0.1em;">x + 1</span>

(Where math defines a font-family: Georgia and font-size)

This works on any font-size! :-)



You could set the CSS for the text that should appear under the overbar as


EDIT: This comes pretty darn close to what you want (Chrome 4.1.249):

<div style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 200%">
    <span style="vertical-align: -15%;">&radic;</span>
    <span style="text-decoration: overline; vertical-align:-20%;">&nbsp;x&nbsp;+&nbsp;1&nbsp;</span>

Unfortunately there does not appear to be a way to modify the thickness of the overline itself...

you miight be able to put the characters under the root in a seperate span then style it with a border on top. But you'll probably have to increase the font-size of the &radic; to make it line up.

<math xmlns="">
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