
Is there anyway to find the date difference in php? I have the input of from date 2003-10-17 and todate 2004-03-24. I need the results how many days is there within these two days. Say if 224 days, i need the output in days only.

I find the solution through mysql but i need in php. Anyone help me, Thanks in advance.

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You can use the parse timestamp feature to convert dates to timestamps, subtract the timestamps, and then convert the resulting timestamp (seconds) to days:

floor((strtotime("2004-03-24") - strtotime("2003-10-17"))/86400);


$start = new DateTime( '2003-10-17' );
$end   = new DateTime( '2004-03-24' );
$diff  = $start->diff( $end );

echo $diff->format( '%d days' );

...should do it.

For reference see DateTime and DateInterval.

Mind you though, this is only available as of PHP 5.3.

Example is as below:

$startDate = new DateTime( '2013-04-01' );    //intialize start date
$endDate = new DateTime( '2013-04-30' );    //initialize end date
$holiday = array('2013-04-11','2013-04-25');  //this is assumed list of holiday
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');    // set the interval as 1 day
$daterange = new DatePeriod($startDate, $interval ,$endDate);
foreach($daterange as $date){
if($date->format("N") <6 AND !in_array($date->format("Y-m-d"),$holiday))
$result[] = $date->format("Y-m-d");
echo "<pre>";print_r($result);

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