
I'm using the Twitter Typeahead. There is an issue when I have preloaded data in my text box and on the blur event, the text box is clearing. This is a known issue within the type ahead and it says it was fixed. But I can't quite figure out how to implement the fix.

I have my typeahead initialize like this in the (document).ready function

    name: 'Typeahead',
    valueKey: "Value",
    remote: '/ServiceHandlers/myHandler.ashx?Method=Typeahead&Query=%QUERY',
    template: ['<p>{{Value}}</p>'],
    engine: Hogan

The issue says to add something like

$('.typeahead').typeahead('setQuery', '');

But I can't quite see where this would go. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

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Figured it out!

Just had to set

$('#myTextbox').typeahead('setQuery', $(#myTextbox).val()); 

in the function.


Here was my solution:

var typeaheadElement = $('element-selector');
typeaheadElement.bind('typeahead:open', function() {
  typeaheadElement.typeahead('val', typeaheadElement.val());
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