
I need a container in which i can store a char* key and int value.

I can use std::map and mfc CMap but i dont know few operation when using char* as key.

Something like below:

using namespace std;

//Cmap<char*, char*, int, int>Mymap;

char* p = "AAA";
char* q = "BBB";

int p_val = 10;
int q_val = 20;

int main()
    // How to use insert, find and access keys      

    return 0;

I want to know both the solutions with map as well as CMap.

Was it helpful?


Here is the Example how to use std""map with char* key and int value.

//Example of std::map with char* key and int as value.

using namespace std;

struct cmp_str
    bool operator()(char *first, char  *second)
        return strcmp(first, second) < 0;

typedef std::map<char*,int, cmp_str>MAP;
MAP myMap;

void Search(char *Key)
    MAP::iterator iter = myMap.find(Key);

    if (iter != myMap.end())
        cout<<"Key : "<<(*iter).first<<" found whith value : "<<(*iter).second<<endl;
        cout<<"Key does not found"<<endl;

int main()
    char *Key1 = "DEV";
    char *Key2 = "TEST";
    char *Key3 = "dev";

    //Insert Key in Map
    myMap.insert(MAP::value_type(Key1, 100));
    myMap.insert(MAP::value_type(Key2, 200));

    // Find Key in Map
    Search(Key1);       // Present in Map
    Search(Key2);       // Present in Map

    Search(Key3);       // Not in Map as it's case sensitive

    myMap.erase(Key2);  // Delete Key2
    Search(Key2);       // Not in Map as deleted 

    return 0;

By Using MFC cmap also we can achieve the same but the operations might(functions) change.


Be aware that if you don't write your own comparator, stuff that will actually be compared by internal map functions are memory addresses of your char* elements. So, you would basically need your own comparator, which is not that hard to write. Or simply use std::string as key and whenever you need char* you just call string.c_str().

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