
I generate Excel reports by loading Excel sheets, that I generated with Excel and fill in some data by PHP code.

Now, I wanted to convert those Excel sheets to PDF and because I saw that the PHPExcel 1.7.x supports creating PDF I thought: perfect, I do not have to go over a OpenOffice Engine, because that engine was not useful to generate PDFs for Web-Users in real-time.

But: Beside I did not have any chance to use the PDF writer from PHPExcel to write a loaded Excel template. It was not even possible to load and write delivered xls files.

I tried to build up the excel by PHP code only and drop the excel template: the excel-to-pdf already fails with the simplest generated excel that merges two cells. Is this writer completely unusable for such a task? Appendix, 2013-06-09: Sorry, this could be understood wrong: It could be all my fault or I just did not understand the core principles.

The following simple excel generation code fails if it comes to output the pdf:

/** Error reporting */
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli')
    die('This example should only be run from a Web Browser');

/** Include PHPExcel */
require_once 'app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel.php';

$rendererName = PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF;
$rendererLibrary = 'tcpdf';
$rendererLibraryPath = '/inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/'. $rendererLibrary;
if (!PHPExcel_Settings::setPdfRenderer(
    )) {
        'NOTICE: Please set the $rendererName and $rendererLibraryPath values' .
        '<br />' .
        'at the top of this script as appropriate for your directory structure'
// Create new PHPExcel object
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

// Set document properties
$objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("Company X") 
                 ->setDescription("Test document for PDF, generated using PHP classes.");

// Add some data
            ->setCellValue('A1', 'Date')
            ->setCellValue('B1', 'Time')
            ->setCellValue('B2', 'Start')
            ->setCellValue('C2', 'End');
// This line generated errors inside the output pdf -> corrupts PDF


// Rename worksheet

// Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet

// Redirect output to a client.s web browser (PDF)
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="p1.pdf"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'PDF');

Appendix, 2013-06-09: This is the beginning of the generated PDF file:

Notice: Array to string conversion in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1236

Call Stack:
    0.0010     257896   1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:0
    0.0243    7798872   2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799224   3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799728   4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0243    7800064   5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0309    8678376   6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119
    0.0313    8683176   7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436

Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1257

Call Stack:
    0.0010     257896   1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:0
    0.0243    7798872   2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799224   3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799728   4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0243    7800064   5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0309    8678376   6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119
    0.0313    8683176   7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1315

Call Stack:
    0.0010     257896   1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:0
    0.0243    7798872   2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799224   3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/p1.php:62
    0.0243    7799728   4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0243    7800064   5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87
    0.0309    8678376   6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119
    0.0313    8683176   7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436
    0.0320    8701296   8. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_assembleCSS() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:1267


Appendix, 2013-06-10: I tried the 21pdf.php example, with tcpdf. It shows me some warnings but the pdf is generated. These is the php output:

21:55:52 Create new PHPExcel object
21:55:52 Set document properties
21:55:52 Add some data
21:55:52 Add comments
21:55:52 Add rich-text string
21:55:52 Merge cells
21:55:52 Protect cells
21:55:52 Set cell number formats
21:55:52 Set column widths
21:55:52 Set fonts
21:55:52 Set alignments
21:55:52 Set thin black border outline around column
21:55:52 Set thick brown border outline around Total
21:55:52 Set fills
21:55:52 Set style for header row using alternative method
21:55:52 Unprotect a cell
21:55:52 Add a hyperlink to the sheet
21:55:52 Add a drawing to the worksheet
21:55:52 Add a drawing to the worksheet
21:55:52 Add a drawing to the worksheet
21:55:52 Play around with inserting and removing rows and columns
21:55:52 Set header/footer
21:55:52 Set page orientation and size
21:55:52 Rename first worksheet
21:55:52 Create a second Worksheet object
21:55:52 Add some data
21:55:52 Set the worksheet tab color
21:55:52 Set alignments
21:55:52 Set column widths
21:55:52 Set fonts
21:55:52 Add a drawing to the worksheet
21:55:52 Set page orientation and size
21:55:52 Rename second worksheet
21:55:52 Hide grid lines
21:55:52 Set orientation to landscape
21:55:52 Write to PDF format using tcPDF
Notice: Array to string conversion in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1236 Call Stack: 0.0010 258104 1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:0 0.1375 8979304 2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8979656 3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8980096 4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1375 8980432 5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1569 9542416 6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119 0.2014 9683184 7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436 Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1257 Call Stack: 0.0010 258104 1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:0 0.1375 8979304 2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8979656 3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8980096 4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1375 8980432 5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1569 9542416 6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119 0.2014 9683184 7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php on line 1315 Call Stack: 0.0010 258104 1. {main}() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:0 0.1375 8979304 2. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8979656 3. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF->__call() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/21pdf.php:80 0.1375 8980096 4. call_user_func_array() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1375 8980432 5. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF_tcPDF->save() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF.php:87 0.1569 9542416 6. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->generateSheetData() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/PDF/tcPDF.php:119 0.2014 9683184 7. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_generateRow() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:436 0.2019 9685336 8. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML->_assembleCSS() /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel/app/_includes/PHPExcel_1.7/PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php:1267 21:55:53 File written to 21pdf_tcPDF.pdf
Call time to write Workbook was 0.9275 seconds
21:55:53 Current memory usage: 16 MB
21:55:53 Peak memory usage: 18 MB
21:55:53 Done writing files
File has been created in /inet/xxx/HTTP/devel

Interesting side note: take a look at the different output of tcpdf and mPDF. I think I know now, why you leave the choice of the PDF generator open to the user. tcpdf generated example mPDF generated example

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Quick and Dirty fix;

Change line 1236 of PHPExcel/Writer/HTML.php, which reads:

$cssClass .= ' style' . $pSheet->getCell($endCellCoord)->getXfIndex();


if (!$this->_useInlineCss) {
    $cssClass .= ' style' . $pSheet->getCell($endCellCoord)->getXfIndex();
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