
I just found the coffeetags tool and can confirm that it works with vim.

Is there something similar for Emacs? Has anyone managed to get etags working for Emacs with coffeescript?

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Solution 2

Have you tried following recipe? But you may need to use exuberant ctags, not default etags...


This it what I've done (thanks to Alex Ott for the link):

  1. Install Exuberant ctags via Emacs package manager
  2. Install ctags
  3. Create a .ctags file in your project root directory (here is the link to the original Gist):

    --regex-CoffeeScript=/(^|=[ \t])*class ([A-Za-z.]+)( extends [A-Za-z.]+)?$/\2/c,class/
    --regex-CoffeeScript=/^[ \t]*@?([A-Za-z.]+):.*[-=]>.*$/\1/f,function/
    --regex-CoffeeScript=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z.]+)[ \t]+=.*[-=]>.*$/\1/f,function/
    --regex-CoffeeScript=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z.]+)[ \t]+=[^->\n]*$/\1/v,variable/
  4. Generate the TAGS file: ctags -e -R source_folder

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