
I'm having problems loading tweets. I want to load the tweets for ex. from "BachelorGDM". (

This is what I do in my javascript file:

var url = '';

var script = document.createElement('script');  
    script.setAttribute('src', url);

function twitterCallback(tweets)

When I try this I get this error:

GET 410 (Gone)

The strange thing is that this worked yesterdag :/
I already tried loading tweets from another user but same response.

Does somebody know what I'm doing wrong?

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Solution 3

To use the newer version I found this tutorial:


If you open your url in browser, it says:

The Twitter REST API v1 will soon stop functioning. Please migrate to API v1.1.

So, you need to use newer version.

Twitter stopped suppoting their API v1, and moved on to V1.1. This version has an extra layer of security (which is also needed for public accounts). If you're using PHP, this tutorial will help you to display tweets again.

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