
As I don't use vi all that much and certainly not for my primary editor, I can't remember any of the vi commands. Does anyone have a recommendation for a quick start guide or command summary?

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This is the best to keep in your desk, full of coffee works great :-)

Vi Mug

The Mug of Vi References

I also like the VI Editor Pocket Reference book.


Learning the vi editor by Arnold Robbins and Linda Lamb

alt text

A little companion for quick reference (by A. Robbins) is also available.

A good cheat sheet you can print out is here:

type vim-tutor

It is a html version of the help also available from vim itself with the :help command.

I started to use vi recently. One way to get references is to bookmark some commonly used commands:

I added some links like those to my foxmarks so that I can sync these links at home and work.

Excellent book, and links in other answers. If you are in Vim, don't forget the old faithful:


I've been using this vi reference:

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