
I am using this jQuery UI combobox autocomplete control out of the box off the jQuery UI website:

My issue is that I have multiple comboboxes on a page, and I want them to have different widths for each one.

I can change the width for ALL of them by adding this CSS:

     width: 300px;

but I can't figure out a way to change the width on just one of them.

Was it helpful?


A simple


works (I tried it on the linked page with Firebug) to change the first one on the page.

You can do something like:

$($('.ui-autocomplete-input')[N]).css('width','300px') #N is the nth box on the page

To change the Nth one.

To find a specific one by a characteristic, you could do it in many ways.

Find it by the first "option" (in this example "asp"):

$('.ui-autocomplete-input').map(function(){if ($(this).parent().children()[1].options[0].text == 'asp'){ $(this).css('width','300px'); return false;} })

Find it by its "label":

$('.ui-autocomplete-input').map(function(){if ($($(this).parent().children()[0]).text() == "Your preferred programming language: "){ $(this).css('width','300px'); return false;}})


I'll update if you have an idea of how you want to find your combobox.


oo, that makes it even easier. From the example source you linked to, the HTML is already wrapped in a div:

<div class="ui-widget" id="uniqueID">
    <label>Your preferred programming language: </label>
        <option value="a">asp</option>
        <option value="c">c</option>
        <option value="cpp">c++</option>
        <option value="cf">coldfusion</option>
        <option value="g">groovy</option>
        <option value="h">haskell</option>
        <option value="j">java</option>
        <option value="js">javascript</option>
        <option value="p1">perl</option>
        <option value="p2">php</option>
        <option value="p3">python</option>
        <option value="r">ruby</option>
        <option value="s">scala</option>

I would give that div a unique id then:

$('#uniqueID > input.ui-autocomplete-input').css('width', '300px')

That selects child elements of your div that are inputs with a class of "ui-autocomplete-input".


Don't bother with JavaScript. You can easily do this in CSS as you were originally trying to do. All you need to do is add a unique selector to each one. For example:

HTML would look like this

<div class="title">
    <label for="title">Title: </label>
    <input id="title">
<div class="tags">
    <label for="tags">Tags: </label>
    <input id="tags">

CSS would look like this

    width: 120px;
.title .ui-autocomplete-input
    width: 200px;
.tags .ui-autocomplete-input
    width: 600px;


var $myinput = $('#myinput').autocomplete({source: ['ABC', 'BCD', 'CDE']})



You can't set the width directly, because it will get overwritten. But you can set the min-width directly.

var $myinput = $('#myinput').autocomplete({source: ['ABC', 'BCD', 'CDE']})
$'autocomplete').menu.element.css('min-width', '300px');

I use the following which is basicly one of the readily available widget init functions and might be what you are looking for too. I added just two simple lines to achieve it

$.widget( "ui.combobox", {
    _create: function() {
        var self = this,
        select = this.element.hide(),
        selected = select.children( ":selected" ),
        value = selected.val() ? selected.text() : "";
        var getwid = this.element.width(); // <<<<<<<<<<<< HERE
        var input = this.input = blah blah
        .insertAfter( select )
        .val( value )
            delay: 0,
            minLength: 0,
            source: function( request, response ) {
                blah blah
            blah blah
        //?? .addClass( "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-left" );
        input.width(getwid); // <<<<<<<<<<<< AND HERE "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
            blah blah

Note the lines var getwid etc and input.width(getwid);

This I worked out to copy the width of the select objects and apply it to the combo boxes as they (the autocomplete comboboxes) are created to overlay the select inputs.

Hope that helps. Regards.

PS: I believe that if you really just want to apply fixed widths not referencing the underlying select list then ignore the first line I added and change the second to compare a predefined array with the "this" id.

Note that I use the code in

In the _create method, add this line:

    _create: function() {
        var self = this;
        var eleCSS = this.element[0].className; //This line

Then scrolldown a little, find this:

    .addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-left");

And change this to:

    .addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-left "+ eleCSS);


<select class="combo-1 autocomplete">
    <option value="a">asp</option>
    <option value="c">c</option>
    <option value="cpp">c++</option>
    <option value="cf">coldfusion</option>
    <option value="g">groovy</option>
    <option value="h">haskell</option>
    <option value="j">java</option>

Now you can apply CSS to combo-1:

    $(function() {
        $('.combo-1').css('width', '50px');

I think the easiest way to do it is to capture the open event and then set the width there:

$("#autocompleteInput").bind("autocompleteopen", function(event, ui) {
  var width = 300;

Since only one autocomplete menu can be active at one time, it's okay to just change the width for the menu class.

$.widget( "custom.myAutoComplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
    options: {
        resultClass: "leanSolutions",

    _create: function()

    _renderMenu: function(ul, items)
        var that = this;

        $.each( items, function( index, item ) {
            that._renderItemData( ul, item );

Now You Can do this:

 data: ...
 etc: ...
 resultClass: 'myAutoCompleteBoxResultList'

And then you can style it

    width: 8000px;

You could always set an actual CSS rule in your document to match the class,

    width: 300px;

if you know in advance how wide it has to be.

To have a full control on the autocomplete combobox and set the width automatically and give it an ID like "a_mycomboID"

change this line

input = $( "<input>" )


input = $( "<input id=a_"+select.attr('id')+" style='width:"+select.width()+"px;'>" )

This will automatically set the width, and will give it an ID such as a_[the id of the combo box]. This will allow you to control the behavior using the ID.

working example

Simply use the jQuery CSS method:

css("width", "300px");

You can append this after adding your combobox.

How do you use the combobox in your code?

With a small change to the jQuery UI code you can add a width to the .autocomplete() function.

If you are using the official jQuery UI autocomplete (I'm on 1.8.16) and would like to define the width manually.

If you're using the minified version (if not then find manually by matching _resizeMenu), find...

_resizeMenu:function(){var a =;a.outerWidth(Math.max(a.width("").outerWidth(), this.element.outerWidth()))}

...and replace it with (add this.options.width || before Math.max) ...

_resizeMenu:function(){var a =;a.outerWidth(this.options.width || Math.max(a.width("").outerWidth(), this.element.outerWidth()))}

You can now include a width value into the .autocomplete({width:200}) function and jQuery will honour it. If not, it will default to calculating it.

$'ui-autocomplete')._resizeMenu = function () {
    var ul =;

If you doing inside your own widget, you can do something like

        // Fix width of the menu
        this.input = <your dom element where you bind autocomplete>;"ui-autocomplete")._resizeMenu = function () {
            var ul =;

Set the max width instead of width, because width is override by plugin any time..

    max-width: 300px;/* you can set by percentage too */
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