
I'm trying to make a class for easy Client/Server connections. Inside this class is a Server-Side Client, but it won't pick up things written to the server NetworkStream. In case you're wondering, I intend to have all data go through the server program before sending it out to the Client, so I need something to process all the data on the NetworkStream (Hence Server-Side Client). Here's my Class:

public class ConnectionServer
    public readonly IPAddress ServerIP;
    public readonly IPAddress LocalIP;
    public readonly int Port;
    private TcpListener ServerIn;
    private Socket ServerSocket;
    private TcpClient ServerSideClient;
    private NetworkStream NetStream;
    public StreamReader ServerInput;
    public StreamWriter ServerOutput;

    public ConnectionServer(int port)
            Port = port;
            ServerIP = IPAddress.Parse(NetHelper.GetPublicIP());
            LocalIP = IPAddress.Parse(NetHelper.GetLocalIP());

            ServerIn = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, Port);
            Console.WriteLine("Server Started At: " + ServerIP.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(Port));
            ServerSideClient = new TcpClient("localhost", Port);
            ServerSocket = ServerIn.AcceptSocket();
            Console.WriteLine("Server-Side Client Socket Accepted.");
            NetStream = ServerSideClient.GetStream();
            ServerInput = new StreamReader(NetStream);
            ServerOutput = new StreamWriter(NetStream);
            ServerOutput.AutoFlush = true;
            Console.WriteLine("All Streams Initialized.");
            ServerOutput.WriteLine("Testing Server-Side Client.");                
            Console.WriteLine("Test Message Sent.");





It doesn't write anything on Console.WriteLine(ServerInput.ReadLine());. I can't figure out why it won't pick up the message off the stream. Help please?

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Your immediate problem is that you're trying to use the same stream for reading and writing. NetStream is the input stream--the data from the client. If you want to write to the socket, you need to create a stream from the socket.

As it's written, you're writing to the client stream. You need to write to the server stream.

What I don't understand is why you're using TcpClient on the client side, and raw sockets on the server side after creating a TcpListener. You'd be better off using AcceptTcpClient. Then you could write to that client's stream and read from the other stream.

To create a NetworkStream from the socket, use the constructor. I strongly suggest, though, that you switch to AcceptTcpClient instead.

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