
Need to modify Log4PostSharp project by inheriting from the ready-made (and working) custom attribute. It looks similar to this:

    AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Module | AttributeTargets.Struct,
    AllowMultiple = true,
    Inherited = false)]
  MulticastTargets.InstanceConstructor | MulticastTargets.StaticConstructor | MulticastTargets.Method,
    AllowMultiple = true)]
  [RequirePostSharp("Log4PostSharp", "Log4PostSharp.Weaver.SilverlightLogTask")]
  [RequirePostSharp("Log4PostSharp", "Log4PostSharp.Weaver.LogTask")]
  public sealed class LogWithExceptionAttribute : LogAttribute
    public LogWithExceptionAttribute()
      ExceptionLevel = LogLevel.Error;


This is how I've chosen to annotate some unit-test code:

private void DoThrowException()
  throw new Exception("test exception");

Wanted to try to debug the compile-time process, tried to compile from the command line but couldn't get any hint:

> msbuild Log4PostSharp.Test.csproj /p:PostSharpBuild=Diag /p:PostSharpTrace="AssemblyBinding;Project" /v:detailed

Which is the right way to tackle the problem? What is the wrong thing I am trying to do?

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In Log4PostSharp.Weaver.LogTask::ProvideAdvice() there was a following line: var customAttributeEnumerator = customAttributeDictionaryTask.GetAnnotationsOfType(typeof(LogAttribute), true);. The second attribute of GetAnnotationsOfType() was false, meaning that only LogAttribute annotations should be discovered. Changing it to true caused all the descendants of LogAttribute (including my LogWithExceptionAttribute) to be considered.

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