
I have a simple ggplot code to plot some time series data:

ggplot(Averaged30mins, aes(x=Time, y=Insolation))+geom_point()+theme_bw()
+scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(seq(0,24,2)))+xlab("Local Apparent Time (h)")
+ylab(expression(paste(Insolation (Wm^-2))))

When I save the data as an .emf file, my y-axis label gets messed up for Insolation (Wm^-2) where the paranthesis blends in with the the last letter of insolation: .emf plot

This problem does not appear when I'm previewing it in RStudio, or even when I save it as a .tif file. See:

.tiff plot

I'm confused as to why this is the case -- I like to save my files as .emf because it is much higher quality but I don't understand why it messes up my axis labels??

No correct solution

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