
I would like to develop my Django Heroku app in an environment as close to Heroku's Cedar stack as possible using Vagrant.

The best solution I have found so far for building the mocked up environment is Eric Holmes' excellent However, this vagrant box currently uses python 2.6.x instead of the Python 2.7.4 my app uses and Heroku defaults to.

The other resource I have found is Heroku's I have not tried this yet, but it seems to offer a way of creating a cedar stack locally. It ends up with Python 2.7.2.

Which of these (or something else) is the best way to go? I have a development environment that works now -- and it uses all the same software that Heroku uses (PostgreSQL, Python 2.7.4, etc.) -- but I would like to simulate some of the other aspects of the Heroku environment (memory available, disk space, multi-machine architecture, etc.).

I am leaning towards using Eric Holmes' box and adding Python 2.7.4 per I'd offer a patch to Eric's work, but I'm no Rubyist/veewee...

Update 1: Another possible resource:

Update 2: I've decided to roll my own by adapting from the above sources and others. These are the files (Vagrantfile and vagrant_data/ that I am currently using with some success: This gets me to Python 2.7.3 and PostgresSQL 9.2.4 on a Ubuntu 12.04 512MB box.

I'd like to split off the database server with a second box and get the app server on Ubuntu 10.04 with Python 2.7.4.

Update 3: My setup has evolved. This is my current vagrant config:

Update 4: I made several updates to my setup this week. The latest is at Of note:

  • Use NFS instead of virtualbox folder syncing - huge performance improvement.
  • Avoid guest addition bug in current virtualbox version.
  • Use newly available Vagrant Cloud for versioned base box.

Update 5: Several updates here -- mostly software versions. The latest is at Of note:

  • Uses Vagrant 1.6.3
  • Uses PostgreSQL 9.3.3
  • Uses python 2.7.7 and installs it from source. python 2.7.3 is retained as the system python.
  • Locks down all dependency versions -- especially those installed via apt-get and npm.
  • Uses hashicorp/precise64 as a base box.

The file structure to use is something like this:

- Project directory
-- vagrant_data
--- db
---- memcached.conf
---- pg_hba.conf
---- postgresql.conf
---- redis.conf
--- web
-- Vagrantfile

Update 6: Turns vagrant-vbguest on since VirtualBox 4.3.14 fixes some bugs.

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Solution 2

You can see my solution to this at


You could try Dokku which support Heroku buildpacks

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