
I need one of my in-app purchases to be free, possibly with the provided by Apple IAP structure?

Currently the type of that purchase is non-consumable while it's payed everything is okay, but the problem is that if i made it 'free" from price tiers, i receive it's ID in invalidProductIdentifiers.

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Solution 2

NOTE This was accurate when it was written, but has since become outdated

You cannot have a free In App Purchase. Think about it. What would Apple gain by giving you free hosting for your stuff? If you charge for it they get 30% and that makes them happy but 30% of nothing is nothing. You will need to host the content yourself.

Source: My experience with IAP


Apple have now added a Free price tier for in app purchases. I've tested it with a non-consumable for an app that is currently in the store and it works perfectly.

Just go to 'Manage In-App Purchases' in iTunes Connect, select the product and change the price tier to Free. Then, when you fetch the SKProduct in your app the price will be 0.

In-app purchases are for products which can be purchased, or has minimum Tier1 pricing, else it cannot be consider into inapp process.

You app should have list of products which are available for in-app, else other should be skipped from the in-app process.

This is possible for non-consumable IAPs:


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