
This is a generalization of the "string contains substring" problem to (more) arbitrary types.

Given an sequence (such as a list or tuple), what's the best way of determining whether another sequence is inside it? As a bonus, it should return the index of the element where the subsequence starts:

Example usage (Sequence in Sequence):

>>> seq_in_seq([5,6],  [4,'a',3,5,6])
>>> seq_in_seq([5,7],  [4,'a',3,5,6])
-1 # or None, or whatever

So far, I just rely on brute force and it seems slow, ugly, and clumsy.

Was it helpful?


I second the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. By the way, your problem (and the KMP solution) is exactly recipe 5.13 in Python Cookbook 2nd edition. You can find the related code at

It finds all the correct subsequences in a given sequence, and should be used as an iterator:

>>> for s in KnuthMorrisPratt([4,'a',3,5,6], [5,6]): print s
>>> for s in KnuthMorrisPratt([4,'a',3,5,6], [5,7]): print s


Here's a brute-force approach O(n*m) (similar to @mcella's answer). It might be faster than the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm implementation in pure Python O(n+m) (see @Gregg Lind answer) for small input sequences.

#!/usr/bin/env python
def index(subseq, seq):
    """Return an index of `subseq`uence in the `seq`uence.

    Or `-1` if `subseq` is not a subsequence of the `seq`.

    The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n*m), where

        n, m = len(seq), len(subseq)

    >>> index([1,2], range(5))
    >>> index(range(1, 6), range(5))
    >>> index(range(5), range(5))
    >>> index([1,2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 2])
    i, n, m = -1, len(seq), len(subseq)
        while True:
            i = seq.index(subseq[0], i + 1, n - m + 1)
            if subseq == seq[i:i + m]:
               return i
    except ValueError:
        return -1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest; doctest.testmod()

I wonder how large is the small in this case?

Same thing as string matching sir...Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching

A simple approach: Convert to strings and rely on string matching.

Example using lists of strings:

 >>> f = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
 >>> g = ["foo", "bar"]
 >>> ff = str(f).strip("[]")
 >>> gg = str(g).strip("[]")
 >>> gg in ff

Example using tuples of strings:

>>> x = ("foo", "bar", "baz")
>>> y = ("bar", "baz")
>>> xx = str(x).strip("()")
>>> yy = str(y).strip("()")
>>> yy in xx

Example using lists of numbers:

>>> f = [1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> g = [4, 5, 6]
>>> ff = str(f).strip("[]")
>>> gg = str(g).strip("[]")
>>> gg in ff
>>> def seq_in_seq(subseq, seq):
...     while subseq[0] in seq:
...         index = seq.index(subseq[0])
...         if subseq == seq[index:index + len(subseq)]:
...             return index
...         else:
...             seq = seq[index + 1:]
...     else:
...         return -1
>>> seq_in_seq([5,6], [4,'a',3,5,6])
>>> seq_in_seq([5,7], [4,'a',3,5,6])

Sorry I'm not an algorithm expert, it's just the fastest thing my mind can think about at the moment, at least I think it looks nice (to me) and I had fun coding it. ;-)

Most probably it's the same thing your brute force approach is doing.

Brute force may be fine for small patterns.

For larger ones, look at the Aho-Corasick algorithm.

Here is another KMP implementation:

from itertools import tee

def seq_in_seq(seq1,seq2):
    Return the index where seq1 appears in seq2, or -1 if 
    seq1 is not in seq2, using the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm

    based heavily on code by Neale Pickett <>
    found at:

    >>> seq_in_seq(range(3),range(5))
    >>> seq_in_seq(range(3)[-1:],range(5))
    def compute_prefix_function(p):
        m = len(p)
        pi = [0] * m
        k = 0
        for q in xrange(1, m):
            while k > 0 and p[k] != p[q]:
                k = pi[k - 1]
            if p[k] == p[q]:
                k = k + 1
            pi[q] = k
        return pi

    t,p = list(tee(seq2)[0]), list(tee(seq1)[0])
    m,n = len(p),len(t)
    pi = compute_prefix_function(p)
    q = 0
    for i in range(n):
        while q > 0 and p[q] != t[i]:
            q = pi[q - 1]
        if p[q] == t[i]:
            q = q + 1
        if q == m:
            return i - m + 1
    return -1

I'm a bit late to the party, but here's something simple using strings:

>>> def seq_in_seq(sub, full):
...     f = ''.join([repr(d) for d in full]).replace("'", "")
...     s = ''.join([repr(d) for d in sub]).replace("'", "")
...     #return f.find(s) #<-- not reliable for finding indices in all cases
...     return s in f
>>> seq_in_seq([5,6], [4,'a',3,5,6])
>>> seq_in_seq([5,7], [4,'a',3,5,6])
>>> seq_in_seq([4,'abc',33], [4,'abc',33,5,6])

As noted by Ilya V. Schurov, the find method in this case will not return the correct indices with multi-character strings or multi-digit numbers.

Another approach, using sets:

set([5,6])== set([5,6])&set([4,'a',3,5,6])
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