
Since I updated my project to Symfony 2.3 php notices don't throw exceptions any more.

I can try to access undefined indexes in arrays and a notice is displayed but no exception is thrown.

At first I tought I was confused and maybe this had been the behavior on prvious version. I found some question on stackoverflow that suggest otherwise.

how to handle PHP notice in symfony2

Is there anyway to make Symfony 2.3 throw exceptions on symfony2 notices?

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Solution 2

I found the answer. Here it is for any reference.


Have a look at the beginning of the boot() method in the FrameworkBundle:

public function boot()
    ErrorHandler::register(null, false)->throwAt($this->container->getParameter('debug.error_handler.throw_at'), true);
    // ...

Even if you register your own error handler in AppKernel (as I was doing), the FrameworkBundle overrides it. But you can configure the FrameworkBundle's error handler using the debug.error_handler.throw_at parameter, like so:

# in config.yml, for example
    # ALWAYS throw exceptions for notices, warnings, etc.
    debug.error_handler.throw_at: -1

I'm not aware that this is documented anywhere.

Since PHP's notices and warnings often indicate serious programming errors (d'oh!), I like to always throw exceptions for everything, even in production.

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