
When I recorded a test with the recorder in Visual Studio 2010 Premium, I noticed that the recorder doesn't generate the code to start the program.

Steps to repro:

  1. Add a new Coded UI test to a VB .NET testing project
  2. Click "OK" to use "Record actions, edit UI map or add assertions"
  3. Click the record button to start recording.
  4. Press CTRL+F5 in Visual Studio to start your program
  5. Click the "Generate Code" button.
  6. Observe that no code is generated as far as running things go.

Considering that starting a program is a rather important part of testing a program, I'm sure there's a solution for this problem.

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Take a look at the SO question VS 2010 Coded UI Test - Launch Referenced Application
It may answer your question.


Add this to your UIMap.vb file:

(Be certain to change the EXE to match your own)

Namespace RouteManagement_UI_Tests
   Partial Public Class UIMap
      Public Sub StartApp()
         Dim RMS As ApplicationUnderTest = ApplicationUnderTest.Launch(Me.StartAppParams.ExePath, Me.StartAppParams.AlternateExePath)
      End Sub

      Public Overridable ReadOnly Property StartAppParams() As StartAppParams
            If (Me.mStartAppParams Is Nothing) Then
               Me.mStartAppParams = New StartAppParams()
            End If
            Return Me.mStartAppParams
         End Get
      End Property

      Private mStartAppParams As StartAppParams

   End Class

   Public Class StartAppParams
#Region "Fields"
      Public ExePath As String = "C:\Somebinary.exe"

      Public AlternateExePath As String = "%VisualStudioDir%\Somebinary.exe"
#End Region
   End Class
End Namespace

Then refer to this method in your test code as follows:

Public Class CodedUITest1
   Public Sub Test1()
      With Me.UIMap
      End With
   End Sub
End Class
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