
Do constructors for a struct that will be used in amp code need to have restrict(amp) included? Ex:

struct Foo
  inline Foo(void)
  float a;

Or should it be like...

struct Foo
  inline Foo(void) restrict(amp)
  float a;
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Yes. If you want to construct those objects within an AMP kernel. In the example below stuff instances are created on within the amp restricted parallel_for_each. The constructor needs to be marked as restrict(amp) in order to compile correctly.

class stuff
    int a;

    stuff(int v) restrict(amp, cpu) 
        : a(v) { }

class test_case
    test_case() { }

    void test_amp()
        concurrency::array_view<stuff, 1> data(100);

            [data](concurrency::index<1> idx) restrict(amp)
            data[idx] = stuff(s.a * s.a);

I also wrote this up as a blog post, Using C++ Classes with C++ AMP.

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