How do I bind data to a CSS property without using the style attribute of the element in Dart web-ui?



If I attempt to bind data to a CSS stylesheet for a web component within <style> tags, the binding does not work. (All static CSS within that block works)

    <element name='foo' constructor='FooElement' extends='div'>
        div {
          display: {{isVisible ? 'block' : 'none'}};


      <script type="application/dart" src="xfooelement.dart"></script>

If, however, I apply the style to the style attribute of a tag, it works as expected.

    <element name='foo' constructor='FooElement' extends='div'>

        <div style="display: {{isVisible ? 'block' : 'none'}}">Foobar</div>

      <script type="application/dart" src="xfooelement.dart"></script>

This has obvious drawbacks.

Is there a way to use data binding on CSS properties in a stylesheet file or block?

Was it helpful?


I would suggest thinking about this in a slightly different manner: try applying a CSS class using the Dart syntax

    <element name='foo' constructor='FooElement' extends='div'>
        div {
          display: block;
        div.hide {
          display: none;

        <div class="{{isVisible ? '' : 'hide'}}">Foobar</div>

      <script type="application/dart" src="xfooelement.dart"></script>
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