
I can't tell what I have done wrong here.

This part seems to be working, or at least it fires, because a breakpoint set with the debugger breaks in the code.


But it doesn't seem to be hooked up to the form fields and doesn't attempt to validate, or validates improperly, when used like this:

<form class = "contactform" id = "contactForm">
        <div class="contactform-email contactform-field">
            <label class="contactform-label" for="contactform-email">Email Address:
            <input class="validate[required,custom[email]] contactform-input" type="email" id="contactform-email" name="email" />
        <input class="contactform-button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"/>

Is there something I've mis-configured?


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OK, I finally solved it.

The thing is that this code is running within the Meteor JavaScript framework and it expects code such as


To be in a Template.myTemplate.rendered function to execute properly and at the right time.

Still learning...

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