
I'm starting to learn to make my own Chrome Extensions, and starting small. At the moment, I'm switching from using the alert() function to console.log() for a cleaner development environment.

For some reason, console.log() is not displaying in my chrome console logs. However, the alert() function is working just fine.

Can someone review my code below and perhaps tell me why console.log() isn't firing as expected?


  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Sandbox",
  "version": "0.2",
  "description": "My Chrome Extension Playground",
  "icons":  { 
        "16": "imgs/16x16.png", 
        "24": "imgs/24x24.png", 
        "32": "imgs/32x32.png", 
        "48": "imgs/48x48.png" 

  "background": { 
         "scripts": ["js/background.js"]

  "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "My Fun Sandbox Environment",
            "default_icon": "imgs/16x16.png"

  "permissions": [


function click(e) {
  alert("this alert certainly shows");  
  console.log("But this does not");

// Fire a function, when icon is clicked

As you can see, I kept it very simple. Just the manifest.json and a background.js file with an event listener, if the icon in the toolbar is clicked.

As I mentioned, the alert() is popping up nicely, while the console.log() appears to be ignored.

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Try to open the "_generated_background_page.html" in extension page (chrome://extensions/)

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