
I linked my ASPxGridView to a datasource, but whenever the GridView needs to display more than one page of information, the GridView disappears whenever I click on the 'Next Page' arrow. After I run the search again and populate the GridView, the second page of data is displayed.

This same issue happens when I try to sort by a different column or if I try to move columns around. The data on the GridView disappears only to re-appear with the data adjusted the way I wanted when I run the search again.

<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="commentsASPxGridView" runat="server" 
                AutoGenerateColumns="True" IsCallBack="False"
                Width="800px" SettingsPager-PageSize="25">
      <%-- Some data columns --%>
   <SettingsPager PageSize="25"></SettingsPager>

My datasource for the GridView is a DataTable object.

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The ASPxGridView was not being bound to data on every server request. The page was not handling postback and adding a handler in the Page_Load method like so:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (Page.IsPostBack)

   // Rest of code

allows the GridView to stay visible and maintain data when being resorted or having its columns adjusted.

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