
Using PyCrypto (although I've tried this in ObjC with OpenSSL bindings as well) :

from Crypto.Cipher import DES
import base64'abcdefgh', DES.MODE_ECB)
plain="Guido van Rossum is a space alien.XXXXXX"
#print ciph
print enc

outputs a base64 encoded value of :


If you were in the interpreter, ciph will give you


Easy enough. I should be able to pipe this output to OpenSSL and decode it :

I test to make sure that the b64 decode works -

python | openssl enc -base64 -d
+ python
+ openssl enc -base64 -d

Not pretty, but you can see that it got decoded fine, "dgb" and "Nq" are still there.

But go for the full thing :

python | openssl enc -base64 -d | openssl enc -nosalt -des-ecb -d -pass pass:abcdefgh
+ python
+ openssl enc -nosalt -des-ecb -d -pass pass:abcdefgh
+ openssl enc -base64 -d
bad decrypt
15621:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:461:

What am I doing wrong? I've tried using -k abcdefgh -iv 0000000000000000 or typing in the password interactively - same problem.

Was it helpful?


echo ESzjTnGMRFnfVOJwQfqtyXOI8yzAatioyufiSdE1dx02McNkZ2IvBg== | openssl enc -nopad -a -des-ecb -K 6162636465666768 -iv 0 -p -d

6162636465666768 is the ASCII "abcdefgh" written out in hexadecimal.

But note that DES in ECB mode is probably not a good way to encode passwords and also is not the "DES crypt" you may have heard of being used on Unix systems. (For passwords, it is usually better to use a hard-to-reverse algorithm (checking the password by regenerating the result instead decrypting the stored password). Even if you do need to be able to decrypt these encrypted passwords, single-DES and especially ECB are poor choices as far as confidentiality is concerned.)

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