
I've read about getting it with the Environment class, but can't find it.

Thanks guys.

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You can do this with WMI; add a reference to System.Management.dll and a using statement for System.Management namespace, then call the following code:

ManagementObjectSearcher mos = 
  new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\CIMV2", @"SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem");
foreach (ManagementObject mo in mos.Get()) {


A way based on the Jono response, but shorter:

public static string GetWorkGroup()
    ManagementObject computer_system = new ManagementObject(

    object result = computer_system["Workgroup"];
    return result.ToString();

I tried this using the WMI options suggested here, but it turned out to be excruciatingly slow (sometimes over 5 seconds) on my machine (and several others in my office). What ended up working for me was using the API call "NetGetJoinInformation" ( The API call returns very quickly for me and does exactly what I need.

Look here for an example. You will have to use P/Invoke.

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