
I have created some jQuery and put it in an ascx include. It works fine on regular pages, however when I load a secured page on my site I get the following javascript error.

Permission Denied jquery.min.js Code: 0

Any ideas?

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Assuming you're using the hosted jQuery by the Google CDN, you can change the hosted script address to use https instead of http:

Host -> Host Settings -> Advanced Settings -> jQuery Settings ->

Screenshot of Host Settings



This permissions error can occur when you're attempting to make an $.ajax() request using jQuery from a secure URL (https) to a non-secure URL (http) even though they are the same domain. Changing the url parameter to use a relative URL should fix the issue.


How are you referencing the jQuery min file? If you are using a fully qualified URL to the library, and that URL specifies HTTP rather than HTTPS, this would cause the error you describe.

For example:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This would cause errors if your site was being served under HTTPS.

In my experience, the "Permission Denied" error comes from trying to access a window that is in a different domain than you. In the code that you listed, is ctl a reference to a popup window, or some window other than the window that the code is running in? If that window is at and your script is running on, you'll get the Permission Denied error.

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