

my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml adaptive@; expect { '*password:*' { send 'ad'\r\n }}"

Does not seem to work as I am still asked for the password.

spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml adaptive@
adaptive@'s password: 

If I run it as ascript it runs ok.

my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ ./
spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml adaptive@
adaptive@'s password:
xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml                                                                      100%   13MB  13.2MB/s   00:01
my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ cat
expect -c "
        spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml adaptive@
        expect {
          "*password:*" { send "ad"\r\n; interact }
          eof { exit }


I would like to run this in a one line command rather than a script. Has anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance


I answered my own question below

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Got it: The following code scps a file called from my box to another box without entering a password:

expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp adaptive@; sleep 5; expect -re \"password\"; send \"ad\r\n\"; set timeout -1; expect -re \"100%\";"

I know this can be done by setting passwordless ssh access between the two boxes but I wanted to do it in one command line using expect. Thanks fuzzy lollipop for the inspiration. Note if you run expect -d -c "spawn ... you get excellent debug on what is happening including whether your regex is good enough


You are missing a ; on the first one line example at the end of the last command. And there is a better way to pattern match the password.

try the following:

expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml adaptive@; expect -re \".*password.*\"; send 'ad\r\n';"
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