

<table id='t1' style='border:1px solid #000000'>
      <td><span id='flight_1'>1</span></td><td>1</td>

      <td><span id='flight_2'>2</span></td><td>2</td>

      <td><span id='flight_99'>99</span></td><td>99</td>

I want to search for each 'flight_xx' id and then create a new row after the row belonging to the 'flight_xx' id.

Is this possible using jQuery?

The table is created using the DisplayTag library and I can't figure out how to do it.

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$('span[id^="flight"]').closest('tr').after('<tr>This is a new tr</tr>');

That would add a new row after rows that contain spans having ids that start with flight.


You can do it like this:

$("#flight_" + flightNumber).closest('tr')
                            .after('<tr><td><New Cell!</td><td></td></tr>');

This takes the flgiht number, converts it into the flight_xx ID, finds that element, goes up to the <tr> it's in (via .closest(), and inserts the new row .after() that one.

If you had the option of adding the ID on the row instead of the <span>, do that and just remove the .closest() call.

Standard jQuery would look like:

var search  = 99,
    new_row = '<tr><td></td></tr>';

$('#flight_' + search).closest('tr').after(new_row);

You can do this with a custom decorater and override finishRow method.this code will add a row after each row of displayTag table

    public  String finishRow()
                     String  returnString=null; 
                     ActorData rowItem = (ActorData) getCurrentRowObject();
                     if (rowItem.getAnyProperty()!=null )
                     returnString = "<tr><td>some text here</td><td colspan='2s'>avi</td>"
                    + "</tr>";
                     return returnString;

You should be able to do this with a custom Decorator. Using startRow() you can add something by before any row you choose. Something like:

    public String startRow() {

    Item rowItem = (Item) getCurrentRowObject();

    if (rowItem has some value) {
        returnString = "<tr><td>some text here</td></tr>";


    return returnString;

Hope this helps

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