
Locally I do this to dump and move a database, upgrading silverstripe 2.3 to 2.4:

mysqldump --opt  --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset --user=$root -p$password $oldDatabase -r db.sql  

iconv -f LATIN1 -t UTF8 db.sql > db_utf.sql 

CREATE DATABASE $newDatabase CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_swedish_ci; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $newDatabase . * TO '$newUser'@'localhost';  FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
SET NAMES utf8; SOURCE db_utf.sql;

And it works, but on the server Ubuntu 8.04, with mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a. I get crazy √∏ charterers instead of øæåØÆå.

Anyone know where I've gone wrong?

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Solution 3

This fixed the issue for me.

  1. Import the double encoded input.sql

  2. Export it again mysqldump -h "$DB_HOST -u "$DB_USER" -p"$DB_PASSWORD" --opt --quote-names --skip-set-charset --default-character-set=latin1 "$DB_NAME" > output.sql

  3. Import clean output.sql

How to restore the database double encoded by mysqldump


Try to run with the following command:

mysqldump -u root -p database -r output.sql

instead of redirecting the output with arrow '>'

It took me Two days to find out I had the same problem and solved it when trying to export a database in arabic using mysqldump and each time you open the outputfile in notepad++ its encoding is in ansi and you need it to be utf-8 my code for export and import was as follows it turns out i was right but i was checking the database on the terminal but the terminal doesn't support encoding and i just tried checking it with phpmyadmin and its good don't try to open the file in notepad++ or just try your application directly it will work.

export command

mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --default-character-set=utf8 dbname > outputfile //or even if you use -r instead of > no difference

import command mysql -uuser -ppassword --default-character-set=utf8 dbname < outputfille // please take in mind this does override existing database

It's very important to make sure the client is set to UTF8. Confusingly, it's not the same as setting your database to UTF8. Open /etc/my.cnf and make sure you have default-character-set = utf8 under [mysql] not just under [mysqld]

Now you should be able to pipe UTF8 dumps directly into the mysql client. I also recommend using the option --hex-blob on the mysqldump command as mysqldump is not perfect.

I succeed as follows:

mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u ..

May this will help you.

Have you tried it without the iconv step?

Here's what I use when dumping UTF-8 databases:

mysqldump \
    -u $DB_USER -p"$DB_PASS" \
    --default-character-set=Latin1 \

And to restore:

mysql -u $DB_USER -p"$DB_PASS" \
    --default-character-set=latin1 < $DATAFILE

Perhaps just copy the tables to $newDatabase as latin1. Then, for each table, execute:


Only way that worked for me was to export the utf-8 tables as latin-1 (character set of file: iso-8859-1) in phpmyadmin.

Open the exported file in notepad++ convert to UTF8 (with BOM)

Then upload file and import with SOURCE dump.sql.

This worked for me:

  1. ssh the server and connect.
  2. create db dump running

mysqldump -h -u my_user -p my_database_name -r ~/my_db_backup.sql

The console will prompt and ask for the password and there you can type it, my pwd had special characters so i was able to run this command with ease

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