
I'm looking into some legacy VB 6.0 code (an Access XP application) to solve a problem with a SQL statement by the Access app. I need to use replace single quotes with 2 single quotes for cases where a customer name has an apostrophe in the name (e.g. "Doctor's Surgery":

Replace(customerName, "'", "''")

Which will escape the single quote, so I get the valid SQL:

SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE customer = 'Doctor''s Surgery'

Unfortunately the Replace function causes an infinite loop and stack overflow, presumably because it replace function recursively converts each added quote with another 2 quotes. E.g. one quote is replaced by two, then that second quote is also replaced by two, and so on...


I have noticed (thanks to posters) that the replace function used in this project is custom-written:

Public Function replace(ByVal StringToSearch As String, ByVal ToLookFor As String,
ByVal ToReplaceWith As String) As String
Dim found As Boolean
Dim position As Integer
Dim result As String

position = 0
position = InStr(StringToSearch, ToLookFor)
If position = 0 Then
    found = False
    replace = StringToSearch
    Exit Function
    result = Left(StringToSearch, position - 1)
    result = result & ToReplaceWith
    result = result & Right(StringToSearch, Len(StringToSearch) - position - Len(ToLookFor) + 1)
    result = replace(result, ToLookFor, ToReplaceWith)
End If
replace = result

End Function

Apparently, VB didn't always have a replace function of it's own. This implementation must be flawed. An going to follow folk's advice and remove it in favour of VB 6's implementation - if this doesn't work, I will write my own which works. Thanks everyone for your input!

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Are you sure that it's not a proprietary implementation of the Replace function?

If so it can just be replaced by VB6's Replace.

I can't remember which version it appeared in (it wasn't in Vb3, but was in VB6) so if the original code base was vb3/4 it could be a hand coded version.


I just saw your edit, I was Right!

Yes, you should be able to just remove that function, it'll then use the in build VB6 replace function.


We use an VB6 application that has the option of replacing ' with ` or removing them completely.

You could also walk through the letters, building a second string and inserting each ' as ''.

I just tried this in Access and it works fine (no stackoverflow):

 Public Function ReplaceSingleQuote(tst As String) As String
        ReplaceSingleQuote = Replace(tst, "'", "''")
 End Function

 Public Sub TestReplaceSingleQuote()
        Debug.Print ReplaceSingleQuote("Doctor's Surgery")
 End Sub
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