
Does anyone have a code sample or any advice on how I can implement the ShouldChangeCharacters event on the monotouch EntryElement class?

Presumably I need to inherit EntryElement and implement a UITextField (which has the ShouldChangeCharacters event).....but I don't have much experience in exposing events when inheriting classes etc.

It seems that I should be doing the following, but how do I expose this ShouldChangeCharacters event?

using MonoTouch.Dialog;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;

class MyEntryElement : EntryElement 

    protected override UITextField CreateTextField(RectangleF frame)
        var field = base.CreateTextField(frame);

        //How do I expose this?

        return field;


Essentially I want to be able to type:

MyEntryElement test = new MyEntryElement ();
        test.ShouldChangeCharacters += etc....
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You almost have it, just make field a class-level variable, and make a public property for it. You could also just make a property for an event, and give that to the field, but I think that is slightly more complicated.

class MyEntryElement : EntryElement 
    UITextField field; // Class-level variable
    protected override UITextField CreateTextField(RectangleF frame)
        field = base.CreateTextField(frame);

        //How do I expose this?

        return field;

    public UITextField Field {
        get { return field; }


Now you can do this:

MyEntryElement test = new MyEntryElement ();
test.Field.ShouldChangeCharacters += etc....
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