
I'm using vim 7.3 and Rainbow Parentheses plugin. When opening multiple tabs with vim -p file1 file2 or with vim -S session.vim, or even with tabnew file or any other method, my parenthesis are colored in only one file.

I just put this into my .vimrc : au VimEnter * RainbowParenthesesToggle as said here. I tried to use :RainbowParenthesesToggle on the other tabs once opened but it only toggles in the parenthesis-activated tab.

What should I do to make things work in all tabs ?

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I made it work by adding the same instructions as here in my .vimrc, thanks to FDinoff. I replaced the last instruction to make it work using tab, as I intended first.

function! Config_Rainbow()
    call rainbow_parentheses#load(0)
    call rainbow_parentheses#load(1)
    call rainbow_parentheses#load(2)

function! Load_Rainbow()
    call rainbow_parentheses#activate()

augroup TastetheRainbow
    autocmd Syntax * call Config_Rainbow()
    autocmd VimEnter,BufRead,BufWinEnter,BufNewFile * call Load_Rainbow()
augroup END


The VimEnter flag on the autocommand tells vim to perform the command specified (in this case RainbowParenthesesToggle only when starting the editor, which is in your case when you open the first file.

If you want to extend the functionality to everytime you load a buffer you should do something like:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile * RainbowParenthesesToggle
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