
I've been told it's a command line option. But Eclipse's Run!Run Configurations...!Target!Additional Emulator Command Line Options field is already occupied with

-sdcard "C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\sd9m.img"

If I wanted to write something like

adb logcat -s MessageBox > "C:\Users\me\Documents\LogCatOutput.txt"

then where do I write it, and how (i.e., is the syntax even correct)? I need to output only a filtered tag, not verbose. ("MessageBox" is my TAG. Again I don't know if any of this punctuation is right, or even where the command goes.)

Thanks for any help.

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There should be an adb.exe file in C:\android-sdk-windows\tools. You can invoke this manually from a DOS command prompt:

cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb logcat -s MessageBox > "C:\Users\me\Documents\LogCatOutput.txt"

There's no need to bother with Eclipse in this case.


Alternatively, if you only want to dump whatever's already in the logcat buffers and exit immediately (useful for scripts), you can specify the -d option:

$ adb logcat -d -s MessageBox  > dump_file.txt

Make sure that '-d' is after 'logcat'.

Another useful addition to the above answers is filtering. The application I am working on generates a massive amount of logging, so it is useful to log with filters.

adb -s MyDevice logcat | find /V ": T#" > d:\temp\logcat.txt

or for OSX/Linux

adb -s MyDevice logcat | grep -v ": T#" > ~/logcat.txt

This will write all logcat activity apart from any line that contains ": T#"

find or grep can also be used to filter based on positive results. I then use the likes of BareTail display the growing log file.

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