
Is there a way from preventing SchemaExport from generating a foreign key constraint on mapping type? I saw a similar question about mapping, but unfortunately that wont do for . I couldn't find answer to this in NHibernate reference, but maybe someone knows a trick? I'd like to avoid removing constraint afterwards.

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Could you post your mappings? <any> definitely does not create foreign keys.


<any id-type="Guid" meta-type="Int32" name="FooBarOrBaz">
  <meta-value value="1" class="Foo" />
  <meta-value value="2" class="Bar" />
  <meta-value value="3" class="Baz" />
  <column name="FooBarOrBazId" />
  <column name="FooBarOrBazType" />

This will just create two columns (FooBarOrBazId and FooBarOrBazType), with no FKs

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