
I'm looking for a way how to programmatically create a local user group. I found plenty of examples on how to query and add users but nothing I can understand about how to create a new group.

var dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(
                       "WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",computer");

/* Code to test if the group already exists */            

if (!found)
    DirectoryEntry grp = dirEntry.Children.Add(groupName, "Group");

This is what I've arrived at but I know it's wrong as CommitChanges() just throws a NotImplementedException.

I've been using this as a sample but I can't even get it to work (thanks MS):

Anyone have a code snippet I can use to create a new local group?

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This works for me:

var ad = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",computer");
DirectoryEntry newGroup = ad.Children.Add("TestGroup1", "group");
newGroup.Invoke("Put", new object[] { "Description", "Test Group from .NET" });

Adapted from this article on users.

It looks like you missed the Invoke "Put" in your example - I guess this is why you are seeing the NotImplementedException.


You may try the following (haven't tried it myself):

PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine);
GroupPrincipal group = new GroupPrincipal(context);
group.Name = model.Name;

This uses System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.

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