
Any best practices for the following?:

I have Manufacturer model that has_many Inventory

In my new Inventory form I want a field that maps to so that when one submits the new Inventory form the app:

  • searches for a manufacturer with the 'name' from the form
    • if it exists then assign the id to @inventory.manufacturer_id and save @inventory
    • if it doesn't exist then create the manufacturer with the 'name' from the form, assign the id to @inventory.manufacturer_id and save
    • have validations work on the new Inventory form
      • such that, if the the Inventory form fails validation on a field other than 'name'
        • the 'name' field will be repopulated with whatever the user entered (but a new manufacturer is not created unless the form passes validation)
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You may try like this:

class Inventory < ActiveRecord::Base


  belongs_to :manufacturer


  def manufacturer_name
    manufacturer &&

  def manufacturer_name=(value)
    self.manufacturer = Manufacturer.find_by_name(value)
    self.manufacturer ||= => value)



In this case you should output manufacturer_name text field on Inventory form.

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