
A call like this requires the server name or url:


Likewise, I can use the following to get a list of available servers or server names:

TeamFoundationServer[] servers = RegisteredServers.GetServers();
string[] serverNames = RegisteredServers.GetServerNames();

But how do I get the default server that Team Explorer uses to connect?

Alternatively, if I could get the current workspace I think I could use that to get the correct TeamFoundationServer to connect with. However, I want to be able to do this before a solution is loaded which means I do not have a file to use for querying what workspace it belongs in.

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Not sure about default (which is simply the server Team Explorer was connected to the last time VS saved its configuration), but you can get the server with a mapping to the current folder.

var wsp = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workstation.GetLocalWorkspaceInfo(path)
var server = wsp.ServerUri
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