
I've checked every single related post (I know there're a lot) but still no one common solution works for me. Almost every time users solve this issue by:

adb kill-server
sudo start-server

But not in my case. I do that and nothing happens. Nevertheless I cannot run my App in emulator, I can do it in normal physical device and it works!

I'm on latest OS X (ML). Latest for today sdk, adt, eclipse(kepler). Everything is up to date. When I check adb devices, it's empty. Or when I switch to DDMS - same. When running an app, it's starting displaying normal messages in console:

[2013-07-03 18:59:42 - NewApp] ------------------------------
[2013-07-03 18:59:42 - NewApp] Android Launch!
[2013-07-03 18:59:42 - NewApp] adb is running normally.
[2013-07-03 18:59:42 - NewApp] Performing vista.Start activity launch
[2013-07-03 18:59:49 - NewApp] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'Hihi'

But after, the unlock screen is shown, the app appears to be not installed on the emulator.

I've tried different API levels and also reinstalled all eclipse, adt,etc. As well as deleted and recreated the virtual device.

The thing I've noticed is that the debug mode is OFF in the emulator. And if I change it and run again, it still OFF.

I'm really sorry for reposting, but I couldn't find exactly the same problem description.

PD: The other thing I've noticed is that sometimes eclipse prompts for something to allow or not with warning window. But it appears/disappears so fast that there's no time to read and answer.

Do I have all correct paths?

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keep your emulator on.. and reset your adb from device view

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