
I have this code:

if([annotation respondsToSelector:@selector(tag)]){
    disclosureButton.tag = [annotation tag];

and I get the warning:

'-tag' not found in protocol

Fair enough, but I've created a new object with the protocol that has a synthesized int tag variable.

EDIT: found why the app was crashing - not this line. Now I just get a warning and the app works fine.

Thanks Tom

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The warning is generated because for the static type of annotation, MKAnnotation, there is no method -tag. As you already checked wether the dynamic type responds to the selector you can ignore the warning in this case.

To get rid of the warning:

  • If you expect a certain class you can test for it instead:

    if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[TCPlaceMark class]]) {
        disclosureButton.tag = [(TCPlaceMark *)annotation tag];
  • For a protocol:

    if ([annotation conformsToProtocol:@protocol(PlaceProtocol)]) {
        disclosureButton.tag = [(id<PlaceProtocol>)annotation tag];
  • Or if both do not apply use a specific protocol to suppress the warning (useful e.g. with rapidly changing Apple APIs):

    @protocol TaggedProtocol
    - (int)tag;
    // ...
    if([annotation respondsToSelector:@selector(tag)]){
        disclosureButton.tag = [(id<TaggedProtocol>)annotation tag];
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