
I'm trying to add the user_id to a nested attribute that gets built by a parent controller but it doesn't seem to have the desired effect?

Ie. I have a model called Place.rb which accepts_nested_attributes_for :reviews and has_many :reviews, :as => :reviewable, :dependent => :destroy

The nested attribute works fine and I build it inside the Places controller like so...

new action

@review = =>

create action

params[:place].merge(:user_id =>
params[:place][:reviews_attributes].merge!(:user_id =>* bad
@place =[:place])

this is the original, for the place model to get a user_id, now i need the user_id for the nested reviews model as well. It might seem odd that places and reviews both have user_ids, but people can add new reviews for the same place...

possibly like this but doesn't work:

@place =[:place].merge(:user_id =>, :reviews_attributes => { :user_id => } ))

get the error: undefined methodwith_indifferent_access' for 3:Fixnum`


@place =[:place].merge(:user_id =>, :reviews_attributes => { "0" =>  { :user_id => }}))

which adds the correct user_id but replaces the content of the review with NULL ;-(

I was previously adding the user thru the form, but would like to do it thru the controller so that it only adds the user_id on creation, as a particular review might get updated by someone else and i don't want the update changing the user_id from the original writer...

old way which works:

<%= e.label :content, "Review" %><br />
<%= e.text_area :content, :rows => 20, :class => 'jquery_ckeditor' %><br />
<%= e.hidden_field :user_id, :value => %> #want to remove this line

but thru the controller the build method with options has no effect? Any ideas? Can I not do this thru the build?

The output in log:

    Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "action"=>"create", "city_id"=>"prague",
 "controller"=>"places", "place"=>{"address"=>"fsdfsdf", "name"=>"sdfsdfsd",
 "reviews_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"content"=>"<p>\r\n\tsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdf</p>\r
\n"}}, "website"=>"", "city_id"=>"1036", "place_type"=>"1"}}
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Try this:

params[:place][:user_id] =
params[:place][:reviews_attributes].each do |key, review|
  review[:user_id] =
end if params[:place][:reviews_attributes]


Assuming you have params[:review] as the attributes' hash, you need to do a merge!:

params[:review].merge!(:user_id =>
@review =[:review])

Edit: I'm also assuming you'll use this is on create method.

Edit #2: It's not gonna work on new method because, as you can find at, the build method

"only works if an associated object already exists, not if it’s nil!"

Edit #3: I'm not sure if this is the best way, but I tested here and It worked...

You have this parameters:

{"commit"=>"Submit", "action"=>"create", "city_id"=>"prague",
   "controller"=>"places", "place"=>{"address"=>"fsdfsdf", "name"=>"sdfsdfsd",
   sdfsdfsdf</p>\r\n"}}, "website"=>"", "city_id"=>"1036", "place_type"=>"1"}}

So you can access reviews' attributes this way: params[:place][:reviews_attributes] and, to merge the user_id attribute, you can do:

params[:place][:reviews_attributes].each_value {
   |v| v.merge!(:user_id => 

Now params[:place][:reviews_attributes] looks like this example:

   "content"=>"<p>\r\n\tsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdf</p>\r\n"

You may or may not want to add a hidden field in the form that includes the user_id. Then the params hash will already have the value. If you're worried about tampering, you could compare it to the Then again, maybe that's why you're trying it this way to begin with?

Maybe you are using form_for with a poor syntax. I have quit using hidden_fields after looking at this:

and this comment: (God Bless You, nachocab!)

nachocab - November 2, 2008 params hash gets the model id automatically

The params hash gets automatically populated with the id of every model that gets passed to form_for. If we were creating a song inside an existing album:

URL:/albums/209/songs/new form_for [@album, @song] do |f| ... f.submit "Add" end

The params hash would be:

params = {"commit"=>"Add", "authenticity_token"=>"...", "album_id"=>"209", "song"=>{"song_attributes"=>{...}} }

So, in the songs_controller you could use this album_id in a before_filter:

before_filter :find_album
protected def find_album @album = Album.find(params[:album_id]) end

If you only did this:

form_for @song do |f|

You would get this params hash:

params = {"commit"=>"Add", "authenticity_token"=>"...", "song"=>{"song_attributes"=>{...}} }

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