
Is there any way of accessing the internal SD card on Android devices that have internal flash, internal SD and external SD cards?

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In Android 2.2 and previous, there is only one "external storage" (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()). The definition of where this points is up to the device manufacturer. The Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) merely mandates that it be at least 2GB, IIRC. It is not even required for "external storage" to be removable.

At this time, there are no standard APIs to get to other partitions or cards. A device manufacturer might document how to access these -- you would have to see if they have anything on their respective developer sites.

Bear in mind that on some of these devices, other partitions or cards may not be readable or writable from regular SDK applications.


Problem is not there in your memory card/sd card. There is non-writing setting enable in default mobile setting.

  • First, navigate to /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
  • After the location been located, make the coding as:

    <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE">
        <group gid="sdcard_r"/>
        <group gid="sdcard_rw"/>
        <group gid="media_rw"/>

    and on the other part of the coding make changes as:

    <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE">
        <group gid="sdcard_rw"/>
        <group gid="media_rw"/>
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