
I am trying to read the following file (The comments are not there in the original):


4 4 // tot number of vertexes & tot number of triangles

0.693361 0.693361 0.693361 // vertex coordinates

0.693361 -0.693361 -0.693361

-0.693361 -0.693361 0.693361

-0.693361 0.693361 -0.693361

3 1 2 3 // triangles to display (the 3 in front specifies that is a triangle)

3 0 3 2

3 0 1 3

3 0 2 1

I am trying to do this using dynamic arrays, because I will need to open other files and because I am using vertex arrays to draw to screen.

I get the first values right (vertcount and tricount which 4 and 4 according to file above) but I am doing something wrong after.

Here is the Code:

void main(){

struct Vertex           // Vertex Structure
    float x,y,z;

struct Triangle         // Triangle Structure
    struct Vertex vert1, vert2, vert3;

int vertcount=0;                    //total number of vertices
int tricount=0;                     // number of triangles to display
int v=0;                                //var to store index value of each vertex
int t=0;                                //var to store index value of each triangle
struct Vertex InstVertex;           // Instantiation of Vertex defined as struct with 3 floats to store coordinates
struct Triangle InstTriangle;       // Instantiation of the Triangle STRUCT
long filesize;
char buffer;

struct Vertex vertArray[v];
struct Triangle triArray[t];

FILE * pmesh;                       // pointer to the mesh file to be opened
pmesh = fopen ("/Users/.../tetra.tri","r");             // Tries to access the file specified. TO BE CHANGED ----> Dialaog window with browse for file function

/********** Read file and store values **********/

fscanf(pmesh, " %i %i ", &vertcount, &tricount);        //read from file and assign the first two values: number of Vertices and Triangles      

vertArray[v] = malloc(vertcount*(sizeof(struct InstVertex)));       // Array of vertexes - space allocated = total number of vertices * the size of each Vertex
triArray[t] = malloc(tricount*(sizeof(struct InstTriangle)));       // Array of triangles

int i=0, j=0;       // Temp variables for for loops

for (i=0; i<=vertcount; i++){
    fscanf(pmesh, "%d %d %d", &InstVertex.x, &InstVertex.y, &InstVertex.z);     //read file and store coordinates in

int check=0;

for (j=0; j<=tricount; j++){
    fscanf(pmesh, "%i %i %i %i", &check, &InstTriangle.vert1, &InstTriangle.vert2, &InstTriangle.vert3);



return 0;


Among the mistakes I am making there is also the way the array memory is being allocated, since I am not getting the right values.

I cannot find the error in the reading loops and in the array declaration. Also is this the correct way to store values in the arrays?

Thank you in advance, Valerio

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I have solved the problem of reading and assigning values to the arrays by changing the values to read in the first for loop from %d to floats (%f) which gave me the right values.

However despite changing the malloc call to:

vertArray[v] = (struct Vertex) malloc(vertcount*(sizeof(struct Vertex)));

triArray[t] = (struct Triangle) malloc(tricount*(sizeof(struct Triangle)));

where v and t have already values (4 and 4 in this case) since I have edited the code above to also include two calls:


But I still get the folllowing error:

Error: conversion to non-scalar type requested!

Any ideas why?


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