
I would expect that if I have a X509 cert as an object in memory, saved it as a pem file, then loaded it back in, I would end up with the same cert I started with. This seems not to be the case however. Let's call the original cert A, and the cert loaded from the pem file B. A.as_text() is identical to B.as_text(), but A.as_pem() differs from B.as_pem(). To say the least, I'm confused by this. As a side note, if A has been signed by another entity C, then A will verify against C's cert, but B will not.

I've put together a tiny sample program to demonstrate what I'm seeing. When I run this, the second RuntimeError is raised.



import M2Crypto as m2
import time

cur_time = m2.ASN1.ASN1_UTCTIME()
cur_time.set_time(int(time.time()) - 60*60*24)

expire_time = m2.ASN1.ASN1_UTCTIME()
# Expire certs in 1 hour.
expire_time.set_time(int(time.time()) + 60 * 60 * 24)

cs_rsa = m2.RSA.gen_key(1024, 65537, lambda: None)
cs_pk = m2.EVP.PKey()
cs_cert = m2.X509.X509()

# These two seem the minimum necessary to make the as_text function call work
# at all

# This seems necessary to fill out the complete cert without errors.

# I've tried with the following set lines commented out and not commented.
cs_name = m2.X509.X509_Name()
cs_name.C = "US"
cs_name.ST = "CA"
cs_name.OU = "Fake Org CA 1"
cs_name.CN = "www.fakeorg.dex"
cs_name.Email = "cs1@www.fakeorg.dex"
cs_cert.sign(cs_pk, md="sha256")

orig_text = cs_cert.as_text()
orig_pem = cs_cert.as_pem()

print "orig_text:\n%s" % orig_text


tcs = m2.X509.load_cert("/tmp/foo")

tcs_text = tcs.as_text()
tcs_pem = tcs.as_pem()

if orig_text != tcs_text:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Texts were different.\nOrig:\n%s\nAfter load:\n%s" %
            (orig_text, tcs_text))

if orig_pem != tcs_pem:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Pems were different.\nOrig:\n%s\nAfter load:\n%s" %
            (orig_pem, tcs_pem))
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If you try this with a cert that you created with OpenSSL command line tools (for example, the server.pem in tests directory sans the key and text) by loading and saving it with M2Crypto, you should get identical files.

I thought in the contrib directory worked differently, but I tested it and I experience the same issue you found. Apparently there is some step we are missing that OpenSSL command line tools do.

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